How to make Beetroot Chicken Soup Recipe

How to make Beetroot Chicken Soup Recipe

By Anant Maurya Published on Dec 01, 2022


Time : 30 min

Servings : 2

Image : Canva

1 beetroot, 1 green chilli, 1/2 teaspoon black pepper, 3 and 1/2 cloves garlic, 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon fresh cream, 1/2 cup tomato, 1/2 cup chicken boneless, kosher salt As required, water As required, 1/2 handful coriander leaves, 1/2 teaspoon ginger paste 


Take a cooker and put water in it and cook it by adding chicken and beetroot, salt. 

Image Credit: Canva


Now heat a pan to make soup. 

Image Credit: Canva


Now add cubes of butter and heat it and add garlic cloves and ginger paste along with the spices. 

Image Credit: Canva


Now cook it for 2 minutes and then add cooked chicken and beetroot to it. 

Image Credit: Canva


Now turn off the gas, and let it come to room temperature and blend it. 

Image Credit: Canva


Now put it in the pan along with chopped chicken, cream, coriander leaves. Now cook it for 2 minutes. and serve hot. 

Image Credit: Canva
